My Digital Habits

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about how much I use my phone. The numbers are higher than I thought, and I would like them to be lower. My average amount of "pickups" a day for my first week was 52, which is not the worst, but could be better. On my best day, I picked up my phone 38 times, and on my worst I picked it up 56 times. My average amount of hours for the first week was 3 hours and 37 minutes. I was shocked that I was using my phone so much. I was using Instagram, Snapchat, Google and Pinterest the most and that disappointed me because I should not be using my phone for social media so much. The next week, I picked my phone up an average of 43 times. On my best day, I picked it up 27 times, and on my worst I picked it up 58 times. I used my phone an average of 4 hours and 10 minutes last week. I was surprised I used it so much! I almost felt disappointed in myself because I was relying on my phone so much.  I realized that the last day of the week I used my phone way more than usual, and I realized it was because I left my phone on for a few hours accidentally while I was not using it. The main three apps I used were Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Messages. Again, I was disappointed that I was using my phone so much for social media. I have learnt a lot from this assignment and will continue to monitor my phone usage to make sure that I do not use it as much for things that are not necessary. I also realized I use my phone in the evening the most after my homework or in the mornings while I am getting ready for school. I realized that sometimes it feels like I do not use my phone much when I really use it all the time subconsciously, to check the time or to take time away from doing something I should be doing.

Week 1:

Week 2: 
